Freeborn Charles Blog

Documenting a Sound File API for a Hypothetical Dating Site.

October 19, 2022

Introduction - Documenting an API Demo

In this article, we will be documenting an API for a new dating service for people who only care about how their dates sound, not how they look.

The name of the company is SoundDate and is a hypothetical dating site - which was made up for the sole purpose of demonstrating how to document an API as part of the Learn API Technical Writing 2: REST for Writers course.

Information to document the request for a user to upload a sound file

Here the user is expected to upload a sound file to their own profile and to get information on sound files for another user’s profile.

Uploading a Sound File to the current user’s profile

Information from the developer team

Disclaimer: Do note that the API website for this documentation, isn’t real. It is for demonstration purpose only.

  1. The server address is
  2. The resource is /profile/sound
  3. The method is POST
  4. There are three headers: a. Bearer has the access token. Required. b. Content-Type has the sound file format, which can be either audio/mpeg for mp3 files or audio/x-wav for wav files. Default is audio/mpeg. c. Accept has the response format, which can be application/xml or application/json. Default is JSON.
  5. The POST body is the sound file.
  6. The second file must be 5 minutes or shorter.
  7. The response hs two element: a. id: An integer, which is the ID of the new sound file. b. length: A float, which is the length of the sound file, in seconds

The Sound File upload API reference documentation

Documenting the sound file API reference documentation using thr information provided by the developers team from above.




Header name Description Required Notes
Bearer Access token Required
Content-Type Sound file from the user Required File can be audio/mpeg for mp3 or audio/x-wav for wav files. Default is audio/mpeg
Accept The format of the returned data Optional Can be application/xml or application/json. The default is JSON


The POST body is the sound file,

Note: The sound file should be 5 minutes or shorter.

Sample Request


Bearer: {acces token}
Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Accept: {application/json}

    sound file


Element Description Type Notes
id ID of the new sound file integer
length sound file length float length is in seconds

Retrieving a sound file from another user

Information from the developer team

  1. The server address is
  2. The resource is /user/{user id}/profile/sound
  3. The method is GET
  4. There are two headers: a. Bearer has the access token. Required. b. Accept has the response format, which can be application/xml or application/json. Default is JSON.
  5. There is one query parameter called sortOrder. This determines the order that the sound files are returned. It has four possible values: a. mostRecent, sorts most recent to earliest b. earliest, sorts earliest to most recent c. shortest, sorts shortest to longest d. longest, sorts longest to shortest.
  6. The sortOrder parameter is optional. The default is mostRecent.

The sound file retrieval API reference documentation

Retrieving a user’s uploaded sound file.


GET{user id}/profile/sound

where {user id} is the id of the user that has the sound file.


Header name Description Required Notes
Bearer Access token Required
Accept The format of the returned data Optional Can be application/xml or application/json. The default is JSON

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Notes
sortOrder Order in which sound files are returned String Optional Has four possible values - mostRecent, earliest, shortest, longest. Default is mostRecent.

NOTE: mostRecent sorts most recent to earliest. earliest sorts earliest to most recent. shortest sorts shortest to longest. longest sorts longest to shortest.

Sample Response

    "soundFiles": [
            "id": 65432,
            "url": "",
            "length": 10.2
            "id": 23456,
            "url": "",
            "length": 13.9

Status Codes and Errors

The following table lists the returned HTTP status codes.

Code Description Notes
200 OK Successful
401 Unauthorized Invalid access token
413 Payload too large Uploaded sound file longer than 5 minutes

Welcome to my digital garden where I share my learnings and cogitations on the modern web development - JavaScript and its ecosystem, React, Gatsby, JAMstack - all written by Charles Freeborn a front-end developer and technical writer. Follow me on:Twitter|GitHub